Sunday, 1 July 2007

A Heart To Serve

A Heart To Serve, originally uploaded by jamestraceur.

Shot with a Canon300D, F/1.8, Ex 1/640, Iso400, 50mm 1:8 Prime

After 20+ tries at it, I think this is one of the best few shots =) Our youth fellowship's 9th anniversary souvenir, based on the theme "a heart to serve" spoons were chosen to represent the theme...

In the process, I've learnt how to pain cute little red hearts... (thanks to the 2 very patient art teachers...) Heh. In their opinion my hearts are way too slim (despite my protests that my hearts were healthy, unlike their sugar loaded fat ones) But you've got to admit, little wide, fat hearts brings the cuteness factor up by way more then a notch =)

I'll post more in time to come once I'm done with some post processing... =)

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