Sunday, 23 November 2008

Simple Joy

It was a wonderful week spent with the little ones during the vacation Bible school...

Perhaps, in photography, there is very little else that can compare to the joys of capturing stills amongst them. There is this liveliness, and spirit in it that cannot be found in the most brilliant of sunsets, or in the lofty grandeur of architectural wonders.

Being the mascot (I was Captain Cosmos! An intergalactic astronaut of unparalleled courage) helps tremendously, it removes any apprehension or unfamiliarity you might face...

It was a return, back to the days of childhood, before the simple joys of life, and crystal innocence are tainted by this world.

Above all that, there was no greater joy than to see them discover who God is.

It was a day with the 50mm, plenty of Bokeh, Off hand/hip shots, unfeigned smiles and innocent laughter.

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