Here are some random shots from Church camp... =)
Canon300d F1.8 Ex1/800 Iso400 using the 50mm 1:8 Prime
Shot this while we were having dinner by the beach... was absolutely fascinated by the tikki lamps they put up, and especially so where they used glasses on them, instead of traditionally using kerosene or oil containers in bottles... Ventured a shot in the wind, and it gave some interesting shapes to the flickering flame =)
Surf's Up!
Canon300d F/3.5 Ex1/500 Iso400 w/ 28-135mm IS USM
Shot at the beach, they had surfboards on the beach stuck into the sand for decorative purposes. Warning tongue twister- They had surfboards there without sufficient surf for serious surfers to do some serious surfing =))
*cue applause* Lols...
Canon300d F/1.8 Ex1/50 Iso400 w/ 50mm 1:8 prime
Taken whilst walking back at night, the ambience was typically beach-resort kinda, with warm lights, but it was really quiet here, and a little eerie on hindsight...
Kayaks & Canoes
Canon 300D, F/3.5, Ex1/80, Iso400 w/ 28-135mm IS USM
At the beach, spotted a whole stack of canoes sporting interesting colours other then your standard yellow/reds...
Whiffer and Cream bananas have an uncanny resemblance. Dale has anime-like eyes that are waaayy huge. Plushies united! They still need the warmth and comfort of friends whilst stuck in a cold conference room... =)
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Randomness from Church Camp
Posted by
8:23 pm
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Hurricane Lamp...
This was shot in batam, just when we were having our dinner by the beach @ sundown...
Shot w/Canon 300D, f/3.5, ex 1/1000, Iso400, focal length30mm, w/ 28-135mm IS USM
If you look closely, the orange glow on the left is cast by the remnant rays of sunset, and the lights at the base of the lamp reflects the lights on the beach where others are having dinner, as well as the brighter lit sky behind...
Thought I lost this photo along with some others, somehow windows messed up by displaying them with another image, until you actually preview them. One more reason to be change to mac =)
Posted it on flickr. 5 hours later, this morning, I've got 22 comments and a 100+ views, which was a pleasant thing to wake up to... =) I'll be posting more...
Posted by
8:38 am
Sunday, 1 July 2007
More Hearts to Serve...
More photos of the lovely spoons!
I love playing with the 50mm and Depth of field... =)
Boosted up the saturation and contrast to give it a little more emphasis and depth =)
Posted by
11:20 pm
A Heart To Serve
Shot with a Canon300D, F/1.8, Ex 1/640, Iso400, 50mm 1:8 Prime
After 20+ tries at it, I think this is one of the best few shots =) Our youth fellowship's 9th anniversary souvenir, based on the theme "a heart to serve" spoons were chosen to represent the theme...
In the process, I've learnt how to pain cute little red hearts... (thanks to the 2 very patient art teachers...) Heh. In their opinion my hearts are way too slim (despite my protests that my hearts were healthy, unlike their sugar loaded fat ones) But you've got to admit, little wide, fat hearts brings the cuteness factor up by way more then a notch =)
I'll post more in time to come once I'm done with some post processing... =)
Posted by
10:44 am