Chose apertural as the name for the photojournal due to the vast amounts of illustrations/allegories I could use with the term and its meaning...
Technically its an area which I'm currently endeavouring to control, and yups, I like photos that feature Bokeh (check out wikipedia on what it means) and depth of field...
I sort of figured that it'll be a good name since in a sense, photography is an aperture into the lives of people, culture, places, and it preserves a slice of time, a moment itself at a place, where it could be shared with other people... It is able to shed light on situations or places, and provide perspectives that others might miss... I could go on writing pages on it, and in the process quote cliche phrases like "a picture tells a thousand words", as well as possibly incurring flaming comments from others on certain controversial aspects... but I'd rather not... I'll let the articles, photos and writing speak for themselves...
Okay, I'm quoting from here...
(āp'ər-chər) Pronunciation Key
- An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.
- A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.
- The diameter of such an opening, often expressed as an f-number.
- The diameter of the objective of a telescope.
[Middle English, from Latin apertūra, from apertus, past participle of aperīre, to open; see wer-4 in Indo-European roots.]
ap'er·tur'al adj.
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